Turbo Dork 4D Glasses Turboshift Acrylic Paint 22ml TDK015069
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4D Glasses is like our best selling 3D Glasses, but with an extra dimension! Well, sorta — pink, blue, AND green.
Even though it appears white in the bottle, It is more saturated as well as more colorful. You can layer it over other colors and it will get lighter the more layers you apply.
It is recommended that this paint be used over a black primer.
Turboshift paints are made with tiny glass-like flakes that work like millions of small prisms within the paint. Depending on how the flakes are made, different colors are refracted or reflected in the light. In layman’s terms this means that the paint changes color depending on what light you are viewing it under, and what angle you are holding it to that light.
Formulated for airbrush use, but may also be hand brushed.
1. Don’t worry if the color of your paint looks different in the bottle than the label.
2. Shake the bottle until you hear the mixing ball rattling around, then shake some more.
3. To avoid a mess, make sure the bottle tip is clear before squeezing.
4. Use isopropyl alcohol or Simple Green for cleanup of dried paint.
5. To begin with, stick to the base color recommended on the bottle (black or white)
6. Apply 2 to 4 thin, even coats of paint with airbrush or paintbrush.
7. For airbrushing, we recommend to start with 0.5 nozzle, 25 to 30 psi and thinning by diluting 3 parts paint with 1 part airbrush medium.
8. For hand-brushing, dilute with either airbrush medium or a small amount of water using a wet brush.
Contents subject to change.
First time trying this brand wow great looking for glass
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