Roden Albatross W.4 Late 1/72 Scale ROD 034
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La description
Albatros W.4 to wodoplan zbudowany na potrzeby niemieckiej marynaki wojennej zbudowany na bazie Albatrosa D.I. Samoloty te uzywano do patroli i obrony niemieckich baz marynarki wojennej na Baltyku i Morzu Polnocnym, do obrony wybrzezy i floty niemieckiej. Pierwszy prototyp zbudowano we wrzesniu 1916r. i do grudnia 1917r. wyprodukowano ok. 118 samolotow tego typu. Podstawowa roznice miedzy Albatrosem D.I a W.4 stanowily plywaki, wieksza rozpietosc skrzydel i odstep miedzy skrzydlem gornym i dolnym.
The Albatros W.4 airplane is a single-seat fighter floatplane from the First World War created for the needs of the German Navy. The first tests of the new machine began in August 1916, and the line service of the Albatros W. 4 began at the beginning of 1917. A total of 118 units were produced by December 1917. The plane was used for patrols and defense of German navy bases in the Baltic and North Sea. The plane was not used intensively by the German Navy, and from 1918 it was replaced by two-seat machines, eg Hansa-Brandenburg W.12. Technical data: Top speed: 160 km / h; climb speed 3.3 m / s, maximum ceiling 3000 m, maximum range: 450 km, armament: two 7.92 mm LMG08 machine guns.
Assemblage et peinture requis. Le kit n'inclut pas la colle de ciment modèle, la peinture et les outils. Supervision d'un adulte si nécessaire.
Contenu sujet à changement.
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