Micro Kristal Klear par Microscale Industries MI-9 MI9
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La description
Adhésif plastique et matériau de formage de fenêtre
First, micro krystal klear is a liquid that can be used to form very real looking small windows up to about 1/4″” in size. It is also an adhesive for mounting clear plastic parts, windows, etc. on your models.
It can be used to make lens both clear and coloured with the addition of a little food colouring. what really makes a remarkable difference in your models is the simple fact that the clear parts can be joined to the painted parts with a completely clear adhesive. What this means is that you do not have to mask around the clear parts, something that is rarely completely successful anyway. and the sills which are painted can be seen through the clear micro krystal klear for the most realistic looking windows you will see on a model. And what the pros like best, it is fast and easy and it stays clear.
It cleans-up with water while wet, and is waterproof when dry. you can tell when it is dry because it turns from milky white to clear. and if that were not enough, if you need a super strong and flexible adhesive for wood, plastic, paper or most combinations of dissimilar materials.
Mode d'emploi : (Prêt avant utilisation)
Comme adhésif :
Apply to joint with a brush. Keep parts pressed together until dry using clamps, rubber bands, tape, etc. Any excess may be wiped away with a damp tissue before the Micro Kristal Klear dries. Allow at least 15 minutes to dry. – Longer if the thickness warrants it.
Former de petites fenêtres:
(1/4″ or smaller) After the model has been painted, use a toothpick to apply Micro Kristal Klear around the edges of the window opening, drawing the material across to form a film across the entire opening. When dry, the film forms a very thin, clear pane of “glass”. Clean up with water while wet.
Formation de lentilles :
Simply apply a drop of Micro Kristal Klear to a sheet of waxed paper and allow it to dry. Add a small bit of food colouring to colour the lenses.
Instruction Sheet – microscale.pdf – 2.3MB PDF
Size: 1 oz
Item: MIC-MI-9
Contenu sujet à changement.
Best glue for clear parts I've ever used.
Very good product to do lens and others parts clear.
Great store to get your modeling items
I have enjoyed using this product for years, for realistic lenses between 2 + 3 mm
I have found nothing better. By using food coloring I have great results in making tail lights and signal lights in 1:25 scale. Sunward hobbies has proven invaluable in providing this resource.
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