Hobby Acronyms and Abbreviations

AAVP – Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel

AAVR – Assault Amphibian Vehicle Recovery

Acrylic/Acryl – In modelling terms, acrylic refers to paints with acrylic resin bases and uses water and/or alcohol as the primary reducer (thinner). Another paint type, like “enamels,”  use an oil-based reducer.

AMPS – Armor Modelling and Preservation Society

Ausf – During World War II, this German military term stands for Ausführung, which translates in version or model.

Californie – CyanoAcrylate, commonly known as Super Glue

Drybrushing – A painting technique used to emphasise or highlight moulded details. The brush should only be carrying a minute amount of paint, hence the term “drybrush.”

DUKW – An acronym used by the U.S. military during World War II for an amphibious vehicle designed to transport goods and troops over both land and water. The letters in “DUKW” stand for Designed in 1942/ Utility (amphibious)/ All-wheel drive/ Dual rear wheel axles. The DUKW is commonly known as the “Duck” and was extensively used during World War II for amphibious operations.

Enamel – A generic term used to describe model paints which use an oil-based thinner/reducer.

Federal Standard (FS) – A system of standardised US government paint colours. The system was replaced by the AMS-STD-595 by SAE International.

Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) – Often used as thinner for acrylic model paints. Sometimes abbreviated as “ISO” (not to be confused with International standards Organisation).

Photo Etch (PE) – is a process used to create delicate metal parts with high detail.

Pigments – Finely ground coloured powders which can be applied to models for weathering. These can be applied in a multitude of ways, eg. dry, to simulate dust effects, wet to simulate mud/spatters or mixed with other media for heavier mud.

Pz.F – WWII German word which stands for Panzerfahrer, which translates to tank driver. In the context of German armored vehicles, it often referred to the crew member responsible for driving the tank. The abbreviation “Pz” generally refers to “Panzer,” meaning “armoured” or “tank,” and “F” stands for “Fahrer,” meaning “driver.”

Pz.Kpfw. – A WWII word which stands for Panzerkampfwagen, which translates to armoured fighting vehicle or tank. This designation was used for German tanks during World War II, followed by a model number and often an “Ausf” designation. For example, “Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H” refers to a specific model and version of the Panzer IV tank.

RAL (Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingungen) – A committee of the German Reich for Terms and Conditions of Sale – German standards organisation. Often used in relation to German paint codes.

RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium) – Reich Air Ministry. Often used in relation to Luftwaffe paint codes.

Sprue – Sometimes referred to as a “tree” or “rack”, this is the framework, predominantly in injection moulded kits, to which a kit’s parts are attached. The sprue is the plastic left over from the moulding process.

Sprue Gate – The point where a part is attached to a sprue (also the point from which molten plastic flows from the sprue channel into a mould cavity to form a part).

Vacform/Vacforming – A moulding process where a sheet of plastic is heated until soft and then drawn over a “negative” mould by means of a vacuum (or negative air pressure) from underneath the mould.

Wash – A wash is a weathering technique consisting of an application of a thinned, usually darker colour, which when applied, settles into crevices and around moulded details to emphasise depth and/or shadowing around those parts.

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