CTI Pro-X 3 Day Price Freeze

Cesaroni Technology Inc, makers of the Pro-X line of rocket motors and motor casing, have raised the wholesale price of their entire line. Sunward will keep the pricing at old levels for hardware until Sunday September 23, 2018, 11:00PM ET. No membership is required for purchasing. For orders to the US: www.sunward1.com For orders within … Read more

Update for CTI ProX Motor Orders for Canada

Cesaroni (CTI) is now back in production, but inventory is very low as dealers replenish stock and fill back orders. After speaking with staff at Cesaroni, we can offer the following guidelines for ordering high power motors in Canada: The best way to get the desired motors is to place a pre-order 1-2 months ahead … Read more

Pro38 BULLETIN Forward Closure Failures

Pro38 BULLETIN Forward Closure Failures

Earlier in this summer Cesaroni Technology Inc issued a bulletin as to possible Pro38 failures. Sunward Hobbies did not pass on this information as no orders for Pro38 were made during the affected time period. There has been one claim from our clients so we are now issuing the information. Should any clients of Sunward … Read more

CTI Motor Availability Update

Cesaroni Technology Inc – CTI issued a press release today. This post is to summaries the effects on ordering high power motors from Sunward in the near future. Our best wishes for Jeroen. We have no further updates on his condition. The full press release: General-CTI-Statement-May-24-2016-v3-1.pdf When ordering from Sunward, please allow 2 to 3 … Read more

Questions and Answers on Club Projects

Questions and Answers on Club Projects

We received a few questions about Sunward’s announcement to sponsor Canadian club projects. We put together this ‘Question and Answer’ to clarify the sponsorship: Q – what is a club project?A – The agreement, design, and construction of a rocket by a local club members. Q – Is there any restriction on what kind of … Read more

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