AK Interactive Pack of 5 Silicone Brushes Medium Hard Tip Medium AKI 9086
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La description
- Pinceaux à pointe en silicone.
- Deux duretés et deux tailles.
- L'outil parfait pour entreprendre n'importe quel travail de modélisation.
- Convient également pour l'application de vernis à l'huile sur des surfaces planes de véhicules.
- Les pointes blanches sont de dureté normale et les pointes noires sont légèrement plus dures.
- Convient à tout mastic de modelage, Apoxie Sculpt, Greenpower, Milliput, Sculpey, Fimo, etc.
- Utilisez de l'eau, de l'alcool ou de la vaseline comme agent adoucissant pour éviter que le mastic ne colle à la pointe du pinceau, prolongez sa durée de vie en les rinçant régulièrement à l'eau et au savon en douceur.
- La variété de pointes de l'ensemble vous permettra de vous attaquer facilement à tout type de travail.
Contenu sujet à changement.
Great tool, perfect to work with milliliter and green stuf
I bought this set having seen another modeler us them on one of his on-line builds. He used them for pushing/pulling/positioning decals. This is a technique I had used for years but I used a semi-stiff bristle paint brush. The silicone tip set is much better for this job then a paint brush IMHO. I've also found them useful for filler placement when filling gaps between glue joints. I use the "baking powder/CA glue" technique and the silicone brushes at great for moving around the powder before committing the joint to CA glue. I'm sure I'll find other uses for them.
Bought these on a whim thinking they’d be useful for weathering and chipping paint. So far what I’ve actually found them most useful for is (go figure) sculpting putty, which is what AK advertises them for.
Silicone seems very durable so far. They clean very easily and there’s a good range of tip shapes, though they’re maybe a little on the large side.
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