Large Re-Stock of Mr Hobby now at Sunward Hobbies

Our large shipment of Aqueous Color, Mr Cement, Mr Masking Sol, Mr Metal, Mr Color, Mr Color GX, Super Metallic, thinners, putty, Spray Cans, Mr Surfacer, and Mr Hobby tools has arrived and is now online. Shipping across Canada and the USA:

Additional Mr Color paints now Available at Sunward Hobbies

We have an additional 17 Mr Color Paints in stock to choose from: Mr Color is made by Mr Hobby, a division of GSI Creos ( Formerly Gunze Sangyo ). Now shipping to Canada and most places in the US! Most orders to the US are through the US Postal Service.

Mr Hobby Paint and Auxiliaries Re-stock and New Pricing

We now have had a full restock on Mr Hobby Paints and auxiliary products. This includes the Mr Color paints, spray paints, pastels, weathering products, Gundam markers, Mr Surfacer, thinners, and compounds. Mr Hobby is a division of GSI Creos ( Formerly Gunze Sangyo ). With this new order, we have reduced many prices. Now … Read more

Lower Pricing and Additional Gundam Markers Mr Hobby and Restock

Lower Pricing and Additional Gundam Markers Mr Hobby and Restock

We are please to add to our line of Gundam markers and GSI Creos products. We have restock of previous products with lower prices on many items. GSI Creos was previously called Gunze Sangyo. These include: Mr. Hobby Mr. Primer Mr Color paints Mr Sufacer Mr Surfacer spray paints Mr Thinner Mr Cement glues Mr … Read more

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