Cambridge Rocket Club Launch for Saturday October 24 2020 A GO!

The Cambridge Rocket Club launch on Saturday October 24th is a GO starting at 11:00 in the morning. Please note the new start time. The weather forecast calls for cool temperatures and gusty winds. The conditions should improve as the day goes on. This will be a “Mini-Launch”, meaning that the club launch equipment will not be used and members are asked to bring their own launch pads or arrange to borrow others. I will have two launch pads available. Please come prepared for the weather conditions.

This could possibly be our last scheduled CRC launch of the season. Our final scheduled launch is set for November 7th. If the weather that week-end is unacceptable for flying, the launch will not be re-scheduled. Hope to see as many of you as possible (<25 at one time).

Club information:


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